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Election 2016: Tomorrow Starts Today

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It's already 1:35 AM here in the Philippines. The race for vice president is still tight between Leni Robredo and BongBong Marcos. The next few days will be full of declarations, speeches, disputes from some unsatisfied politicians, and of course finality of the election result.

It's been a long day for me covering the election through social media, news reports and television coverage. It's exhausting. It's exciting. But, FILIPINOS WON today! Despite of all the attempts of vote buying, cheating, brainwashing, Filipinos exercised their right to vote and nothing can ever take that right from us.

As I close my eyes to sleep tonight, I pray to God for healing, new beginnings, opportunity for all. I pray for the new president to have the courage, wisdom and political will to correct the wrong, encourage the weak and help the poor. I pray for my beloved Philippines. I pray for the world!

Election is now over! We've already voted for the leaders that will serve us for the next 6 years. Let us not rely on them. We have our own responsibility to ourselves and to our society. May we all have the courage to change ourselves for our family, for our children and for our country! Tomorrow Starts Now!


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