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10 Helpful Mobile Applications for Caregiving

10 Helpful Mobile Applications for Caregiving

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No matter how adept, organized and efficient you are as a caregiver, you'll find the need to ask help in taking care of the elderly especially if the condition of your patient or loved one is already deteriorating.

As live-in caregiver, you always find yourself alone in some difficult situations. 

Good thing, there are some mobile applications that you can download for free to help you manage your responsibilities as a caregiver. These are health care apps that can be used for a lot of purposes such as identifying medications, scheduling, recognizing symptoms and many more.

We've also included some apps that can help you manage your stress level as well as helps you relax and take a break from the overwhelming job of a caregiver.

1. First Aid by American Red Cross - Part of our job as a caregiver is to respond to any immediate emergency situations. What to do with bleeding, burns, choking, broken bones, asthma attack and many more? 

The app is not just for health care emergency it also gives a step by step tips on what to do during natural disasters and all emergency situations. This app is actually helpful and we recommend that people should download this app.

The app is available for iphone and Android for Free

2. CareZone - Carezone is simply one of the best mobile applications for caregiving. It's not just an app to remind you of your medications but it also can be use as journal to document your symptoms to help your doctor track your progress. 

With carezone's calendar and to-do list, you'll never miss an appointment or therapy sessions ever again. 

You can also note down and securely store all your health care information such us your insurance info, health card number or any details that you might need to remember.

The contacts feature will help you store all the important contact numbers you need including your doctors, health clinics, pharmacies, nurse and loved ones.

The app is available for iphone and Android for Free

3. Symple - Symple stays true to it's name for the app is really simple to use. It's very easy to track yours or your loved one's symptoms with Symple. It also serves as a journal or a diary on how you feel about your day or any relevant symptoms your loved one's suffer. The app is with interactive graph that you can use or send to a doctor for opinion.

The app is available for free on iPhone.

4. iPharmacy - With a lot of medications the were prescribed for your patient or loved one to take, there's no denying that sometimes, you can lose track of what these medications are for. 

iPharmacy helps caregivers to track these medications and identify its kind and what it is for. You can also check any side effects and any potential harm because of drug reverse reaction and allergies.

iPharmacy is available on iPhone and Android for free and iPharmacy pro is $0.99

5. Painscale - As they say, when you get older, you will be able to feel different kinds of pain. But, there are pains that are really caused by a disease or fatal health conditions.

It is important for a caregiver to track your patient or love one's pain symptoms. By scaling it, you will be able to identify the severity of pain they are feeling at the moment.

With painscale, you will be able to track your patient's pain, treatments, medications, activity, mood and sleep. It also helps you to understand what triggers the pain and be able to communicate to your doctor accurately and effectively.

The app is available for iphone and Android for Free

6. Allrecipes.com - Admit it. Sometimes, it's really difficult to plan out a meal for someone who is sick. We need to consider the health situation of our patient. For example, a person with diabetes should eat more protein and cut back on sugar. But, aside from diabetes, the patient is also suffering from high cholesterol which meat has plenty of.

With Allrecipes.com, you have an access to 50,000 different recipes. There's a wide variety of recipes you can choose from. What's for dinner will not be as painstakingly difficult as before. 

7. Spotify - They say, there's nothing that music cannot heal. You can find your favorite songs, create a playlist and listen to your favorite music all for free. If you want to play your music offline, you can subscribe to Spotify premium for as low as $9.99 / month. 

The app is available for iphone and Android for Free

8. GPS for the Soul - They have a feature called biofeedback. This will help you determine your stress level and gives you some tips on how to manage it. They also offer meditation tools like photographs and music to calm you down. You will be able to download your own music too. This app will help you recharge and be a better and more effective caregiver than before.

This app is available on iPhone for Free.

9. Balance: for Alzheimer’s Caregivers - Some caregivers were given the responsibility to take care of someone with Alzheimer. Balance app was developed by National Alzheimer Center to help those caregivers.

The app which costs about $4 helps the caregiver to understand the condition of the patients as well as making them aware on what to expect from a person with Dementia or Alzheimer's Disease.

It provides different tips or strategies about Alzheimer's senior care. The app also gives you the option to schedule your patient's medication and doctor's appointments using the app.

10. Pocket Yoga - It's known that Yoga is one of best physical exercises today. It doesn't just help with physical health but mental health as well. 

You can relax with yoga by using the app. From simple yoga poses to complicated ones, you can put together routines which will work for you.

This app is available in iPhone and Android for about $5. 


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