3 Simple Ways to Manage Glaucoma| Caregiving 101 | iSavta
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3 Simple Ways to Manage Glaucoma

3 Simple Ways to Manage Glaucoma

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Imagine yourself not being able to see. Not a very good feeling I guess. Vision is one of our most important senses. Without it, we will be lost, and it will be difficult for us to appreciate creation as much as we can now.


Glaucoma is common among the elderly. It is caused by the deterioration of the optic nerve, somehow it is related to increased eye pressure due to overproduction of aqueous humor, or if its drainage is blocked. While its cure is still unknown, it is possible to manage it. It is treatable. 


Naturally, as the body ages, we expect it to weaken, and so we know there will be changes. Many times, as observed by many, genetics also play a great role in how our body responds to certain stimuli, and how we develop diseases. This leads us to our first way of managing glaucoma.




Visiting your eye doctor regularly would always be best. Many times glaucoma develops very gradually that we don’t notice it, but when we visit the experts, only then can we realize that something is wrong. Being very careful could give you great benefits one day. Remember, vision lost through glaucoma can’t be recovered. It is most prevalent in older adults, so if you are 60 and above, or you have loved ones who are 60 and above, go ahead and visit your Ophthalmologist at least once a year. 




Risk factors make a person become more prone to have the disease or disorder. While there are risk factors that we have no control over, like age, ancestry (being Asian, Black or Hispanic), or family history; there are risk factors that we can manage with the help of your trusted physician. Two of these are: diabetes and High Blood Pressure. We’ve learned that glaucoma is caused by deterioration of the optical nerve, while this could be caused by aging, it will always be a wise thing to have your sugar levels maintained at the right levels, as well as your blood pressure.




Even grade school students would agree that prevention is better than cure. Ask your mom or your dad regarding their eye health history. Or, if you are caring for a client, ask his/her relatives about the family medical history with regards to vision. This way you can easily detect possible risk factors. Also, you or the person you are caring for, can wear eye protection. Don’t be too confident that your eye can handle stresses just as they are especially when  you are using power tools or even when it’s plain dusty.    


These are very simple, often neglected considerations. Being a little more careful wouldn’t hurt, in fact, regrets are often late. So while it’s still early, while there is still time, go ahead and consider these 3 things. We hope for you to have the best eye health and appreciate this great gift of vision.


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