5 Best Foods for Seniors with Diabetes | iSavta
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5 Best Foods for Seniors with Diabetes

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Many seniors have been diagnosed with diabetes. Even if this disease doesn’t have a cure yet, one of the best ways for seniors to continue enjoying and living a normal and healthy life is through following a proper and balanced diet.

There are times when seniors with diabetes need some assistance for them to stick to a healthy lifestyle.  As a caregiver, you can help your senior patients to better manage their health in different ways.

If your diabetic patient requires some encouragement to socialize on a regular basis, exercise more often, or eat healthier foods, a home-based caregiver like you will be able to address not only these but also other health-related issues.

Below are 5 of the best and healthiest foods that are recommended for consumption for seniors with diabetes:


  1. Berries

Berries including blueberries and blackberries are rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber can get rid of fat from the body while soluble fiber can slow down the digestive process that can help curb hunger. Anthocyanins are the chemical compounds found in berries that are responsible for the bright colors of these fruits. These chemicals can shrink the fat cells and encourage adiponectin release that can increase the cells’ insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar levels.


  1. Chicken

Diabetic seniors must follow a more active lifestyle combined with a well-rounded diet rich in protein. In particular, chicken is one form of high-quality protein that can lower blood sugar levels and increase insulin secretion at the same time that can help the body in moving blood glucose to the cells.

Considered a good food, chicken has low-fat content and can help prevent artery blockages. Swapping red meat with chicken can also help seniors in their weight control that is essential for proper diabetes management.

Diabetic seniors must eat chicken without the skin because it has lower cholesterol and saturated fat content. They also need to stay away from fried chicken and opt for grilled and baked chicken instead.


  1. Cruciferous Vegetables

Kale, cauliflower, and broccoli have been categorized as healthy superfoods since they are rich in the chemical compound called sulforaphane that can stimulate the body’s anti-inflammatory processes responsible for the regulation of blood sugar level and protection of the cardiovascular system. Sulforaphane can also stimulate the immune system of the body to convert likely dangerous substances into their less dangerous forms. 


  1. Fish

Aside from being an excellent protein source, oily fish also contains omega-3 fatty acids that can lessen inflammation all over the body.


  1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a good source of magnesium that can stimulate the pancreas into releasing insulin that can help cells in using glucose in a more effective way. Although there are others who prefer those quick-cooking oats, most healthcare experts often suggest eating steel-cut oats that are considered as whole grains. Oats in the form of whole-grain can provide minerals, vitamins, and fiber together with antioxidants.


These are just 5 of the most nutritious foods for seniors with diabetes. Don’t forget to encourage your patients to make healthy lifestyle choices for them to get better results.

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