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Adjustments: Returning Home After Working Abroad as a Caregiver

Adjustments: Returning Home After Working Abroad as a Caregiver

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New rewire card


Coming home after working abroad as a caregiver for a long time is exciting but not as easy as it may seem.  It is true that you will be relieved from all the caregiver stress of doing the various caregiver tasks. On the other hand, you will also lose the perks of being a caregiver such as enjoying healthy food and not having to pay for your rent and electric bills.  The salary and benefits you were getting as a caregiver abroad may also be not as good as what you will get if you prefer to be employed back in your hometown.

Before returning home, you have to expect that things have also changed in your hometown.  If you have lived abroad for many years as a caregiver, expect that your friends and family may have different priorities by now.  Some might have started their own families’ already while some may have held higher positions at work. Hence, prepare yourself mentally so that you will be less disappointed.

Years of living abroad may have also exposed you to a culture not the same as your own country.  Having lived in a foreign land for a long time could mean that you have adapted to their culture.  When you come back, you will find the customs and practices which you grew up with either strange or hilarious.  This is called reverse culture shock. As weird as it may seem, you have to give yourself some time to settle back and relax as this is normal.

At first, you will be excited to being home.  You will have a lot of catching up with friends and family to do.  After a while, this will fade and there will be a stage, after returning home from your work abroad, that you will start thinking about the life that you had abroad.  You will think about the things that you enjoy doing while you were working as a caregiver abroad. You will begin comparing what your daily life as a caregiver was as to what it is back at home.  You will also value things what you had while working abroad since you no longer have them.

The memories you had while living abroad for a time maybe unforgettable.  Sometimes, sharing your stories to your friends is not enough. You might want to capture your escapades in the form of writing or scrap booking.  If you find a speaking engagement where you will have an opportunity to share your story as caregiver abroad, do so. It will give you a sense of relief to speak about your experiences living abroad and consider it as an outlet where you could share the highlights or low points you had while living in a foreign land for a long time.

Adjusting to a new life in your hometown is awkward at first.  It takes effort and persistence to be able to adapt to this new challenge.  Carry the positive experiences you had while working abroad as a caregiver and bring this aspect in starting a new life at home.




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