Caring For a Senior Adult Who Smokes| Caregiving 101 | iSavta
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Caring For a Senior Adult Who Smokes

Caring For a Senior Adult Who Smokes

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Nicotine is a substance that causes smoking addiction. Just like other forms of addiction, this addictive behaviour is a leading cause of a number of diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, stroke, and cancer. Studies also show that smoking can reduce one's quality of life. Not only that, this habit is also linked to many premature deaths.  However, still, many people seem to have a constant affair with smoking.

Adults who have lived a life smoking are likely not to quit it. But caregivers may motivate these old adults to quit smoking by showing them the benefits of kicking the habit. For instance, those who quit smoking have reduced bone loss, decreased circulatory and respiratory diseases.

Helping seniors quit smoking may sound easy. But, in fact, a lot of senior adults are stubborn.  If the senior adult is unwilling to quit, it is important that the caregiver show empathy. When the caregiver shows empathy, the senior will feel happy that he is being understood. Consequently, he will listen more to his caregiver and follow his instructions. An empathetic heart goes a long way and it builds a relationship bound in trust and respect.

Since smoking deteriorates the senior’s physical health and cognitive function, it is necessary that the caregiver provides optimum support. The kind of support that will help exercise the older adults’ body and will also help him practice his brain functions are much needed. Below is a narrowed-down list that will help a senior who smokes enjoy life.



First, nutrition comes in. It is vital that seniors who smoke eat a healthy meal that would energize his or her body.  A dose of vitamins will also boost his or her already deteriorating immune system.



Any form of exercise that will keep the body moving will benefit the senior. Whether it is simple walking or jogging in place or lifting some weights, it will benefit the old adult one way or another. Just make sure that the senior gets an exercise plan that is suited to his or her capacity.



Sleep is powerful. It is our body’s way of recharging and getting ready for the tasks ahead of us. Make sure that the senior adult gets enough good sleep by involving activities in his or her daily plan that induces sleep.



Older adults who smoke are at risk of fire-related injury. They might fall asleep while smoking. Thus it is a must that senior adults not smoke where they sleep. Keep their cigarettes or tobacco away from their beds to reduce the danger of accidentally starting a fire from smoking. As a caregiver, ashtrays must be provided within the adults’ reach and emptied regularly. If you could convince them to switch to e-cigarettes such as vape then that would be fantastic. Also, if oxygen is being used at home, it is time to quit smoking. Otherwise, the house will be caught on fire as oxygen is highly reactive to combustion.



To keep the senior emotionally well, you could reach out to their close family or friends constantly for emotional support. Technology, nowadays, makes this easier to achieve.



You might let your old adult try some mobile games that sharpen the mind. Assist and supervise him or her. There are many brain games to choose from over the internet. If that doesn’t work, helping senior adults do their regular activities or letting them do their hobbies will keep them mentally active.


In a nutshell, what is important is to treat the senior adult with respect and understanding whether they quit smoking or not. After all, they are living the last years of their lives so it is important to help them just be happy with their choices.


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