Elderly Care: Preventing UTI for Patient with Adult Diapers | iSavta
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Elderly Care: Preventing UTI for Patient with Adult Diapers


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Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is one of the most common infections that affect humans. It starts when microbes get into your urine and moves back to your bladder and the rest of the urinary tract.  The symptoms of UTI include rectal pain in men, pelvic pain in women, urine that has a strong odor, an increased urgency to urinate, and a burning feeling that comes with urination. According to research, women and the elderly are highly at risk from urinary tract infection.

The elderly often find using adult diapers as a solution to their inability to control their urine or bowel movement also known as incontinence.  However, those elderly who have not properly cleansed their genitals after changing their diapers are at a greater risk of acquiring UTI. As such, caregivers should help out the elderly when changing their adult diapers and washing the skin around their private parts.  They can use sanitary wipes instead of towels to remove the urine from the skin.

Another tip to prevent UTI when wearing adult diapers is to change them frequently.  Do not wait for them to be completely filled. Change it every time it contains urine or fecal matter to prevent bacteria from causing UTI and other serious problems.  Set an alarm to remind yourself to check up on the elderly’s diapers. A frequent change in the elderly’s diapers may be costly so you can opt to invest on using a washable diaper instead of a disposable one.

Moreover, elderly patients are advised not to take caffeinated and alcoholic drinks because these products irritate the bladder causing the person to urinate or poop more often. To prevent UTI, you need to drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated.  Everyone needs to drink at least two liters of water or at least 8 glasses of water daily. Water prevents bacteria from accumulating and causing problems in the body by flushing them out. Fruit juices specifically cranberry and buko juice have been proven to help treat a urinary tract infection.  The regular intake of such juices are also effective in preventing UTI. 

Taking these simple steps to prevent a UTI from happening because of adult diaper use is vital to the older adult’s health.  There are also some preventive antibiotics taken by older adults to reduce the risk of having a UTI. Consult the doctor if they would recommend taking preventive antibiotics for your loved one and ask them for the best prevention plan that would work for you.


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