Elderly vs. Child with Special Needs: Which is More Difficult to Care For?| Caregiving 101 | iSavta
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Elderly vs. Child with Special Needs: Which is More Difficult to Care For?

Elderly vs. Child with Special Needs: Which is More Difficult to Care For?

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Caring in a compassionate and effective way for the elderly and children with special needs is one of the issues that many people experience these days. As expected, both of these come with their own set of difficulties and challenges. So, which is more difficult to care for between the two?


Challenges of Caring for Elderly Patients


Although most caregivers provide their services in their patients’ homes just like the family, their offered services are different. While most caregivers have professional training, it means they won’t be able to dedicate most of their time to their patients as families can do.

Since caregivers are dealing with several clients at the same time, they cannot dedicate most of their time to just one person. The result is that the patients may not get similar care during the times when they might need it. The caregiver won’t also be able to see all the things happening during the day to know how else a patient may require help.

Lack of proper and enough equipment can also be challenging for caregivers. They see similar problems encountered by family providers. If there is no proper accessibility in the home, providing the best help becomes more difficult. This can also lead to occupational injury like overexertion. Health supplies may also be limited. Since caregivers need to bring all supplies with them, there is the chance that they won’t have the necessary materials handy.

They may also lack enough support when giving care to their elderly patients. If something ever goes wrong, no one will be able to assist them. There may also be limited support from the patient’s family. Relatives may assume that the caregiver doesn’t need much help or they may also start to expect more from the caregiver.


Challenges of Caring for Children with Special Needs


Working with children with special needs can also be equally stressful. These children may go through several uncontrollable behavior, tantrums, and meltdowns. The handicapped children may even refuse to follow commands or reject any assistance. 

The job may also have a negative effect on the physical health of the caregiver. There might be a need for you to lift the child with special needs. Doing this regularly may soon lead to shoulder and back pains. A special child’s occasional violent behaviors may also lead to injury.

Children with special needs or handicapped children will require lots of your effort, time, love, and support. The job asks for your empathy and acceptance. Being a caregiver, your task will involve support them with all of their special needs and bringing happiness into their lives through motivating them into doing everything they like to do and praising them for their achievements. 

You see, caring for the elderly and children with special needs is difficult in their own ways.  At the end of the day, it is still important to remember that caregivers must meet their personal needs first. When they do so, it will be easier for them to effectively care for their patients.


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