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Hiring a Live-In Caregiver: What You Need To Know

Hiring a Live-In Caregiver: What You Need To Know

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Live-in caregivers or residential caregivers are care providers that reside in an elderly patient’s home.  They become the old adult’s main companion who assists them in everyday activities such as bathing, dressing up, administering medication, cleaning the house, preparing and cooking meals.  Although they stay at the patient’s home, they do not do the work for the whole twenty-four hours. Live-in caregivers are allowed to sleep for eight to ten hours daily as having enough sleep is vital to their health.   Studies suggest that a well-slept caregiver perform their every day duties very well.


Benefits of Hiring a live-in caregiver

Hiring a live-in caregiver is beneficial to the elderly patient and his family.  Primarily, the family members and the patient will be at ease that someone focuses on addressing the needs of the elderly and in providing care and support.  The elderly will also have a steady companion while the family members are busy with their own lives. Initially, it may be hard for your loved one to accept help from a stranger. But, give it some time and the weak older adult will surely appreciate having a caregiver to talk to and having someone by his side.   Hiring someone to take care of your loved one will give you free time for yourself. Another benefit is that family members can regularly ask for updates from the caregiver with regards to their loved one’s health condition and progress. Research also says that live-in caregivers are more reliable compared to those caregivers that do not reside at the older adult’s home.  In addition, hiring a residential caregiver will also saved you some money compared to hiring two to three different care workers to work on different shifts in a day.  


Benefits that residential caregivers should receive

Apart from their pay, residential caregivers are entitled to at least 25 continuous hours of rest per week where they are free from all work duties.  They are also entitled to nine holidays per year according to their country or religion as long as these holidays don’t fall on their weekly rest day.  Residential caregivers who agree to work on their rest days or holidays shall receive more compensation than regular days. Other benefits that live-in caregivers are entitled to an annual paid vacation, sick pay, pension fund, and health insurance.


Where to find a residential caregiver

If you know someone who is willing to help you with your caregiving duties to your loved ones in exchange for payment, then you may hire that person privately.  However, it is best to get live-in caregivers from a home care agency. Most agencies screen their caregivers by doing a background check. These agencies also make sure that these caregivers have received proper training to take care of someone else and have legal documents for work.  They will also match a caregiver according to your request and specific needs. To find an excellent home care agency, check the reviews from reputable online sources and ask around family and trusted friends who have used an agency.

As the years pass by, the amount of care your loved one needs also increases. Thus, changing caregivers often won’t do any good. It is important to treat your caregivers like family.  Value them by giving them respect and understanding their rights. When you do, rest assured that they will offer optimum care expected of your loved one.




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