How To Get Hired In The Caregiving Industry?
The iSavta Team | 13.11.2019

We can’t emphasize enough the fact that caregiving is not for everyone.
I’m sorry.
But yes, it’s true. It’s not for the meek and weak. The moment you decide to commit yourself in Caregiving, there’s no turning back. The responsibility on your shoulder doesn’t start and end with making coffee and changing adults diapers. You have to put your heart and soul into it. Otherwise, you will never be able to handle the emotional turmoil that caregiving causes.
As what we’ve mentioned, Caregiving is NOT for everyone. It is more the brave and bold. But, what does it really take to be a full-fledged caregiver?
- Be Honest. You really need to have this quality. Or else, everything will fail. Like in any job, honesty is the biggest “necessity” to get in and succeed. In Caregiving, honesty is important because you are not allowed to lie to yourself in this industry. Be honest with your feelings, what you feel, what you can and most importantly, what you CAN’T. You see, not everyone can survive this job for a long time. Remember, you are responsible for someone else’s well-being. If you are going to lie and pretend, there is a life at stake. Not just your patient’s life but also yours.
- Be Patient. How do you spell Caregiving? P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E. And not just scabby kind of patience but a monumental size of patience that even lazy Juan, waiting for the guava fruit to fall on his mouth will be ashamed of it. It has to be longer than the hair of Rapunzel and it has to be as pure as the unicorn heart. Okay, that’s exaggerated but yes, it has to be pure. Or else, never bother dreaming of working in the Caregiving industry.
- Be Ready to Get Dirty. Oh come on! It’s super inconvenient to wear rubber gloves. Sometimes, you really need your bare hands and get done with it. Toilet accidents is real and those poopies are so sneaky sometimes, they tend to catch you off-guard and stun-locked you in the most inconvenient places. Yes, it’s part of the job, honey. If you can’t do it, then say goodbye to your caregiving career.
- Be Quick and Strong. Embrace your inner Bruce Lee for the job requires agility, focus, muscles and a whole buncha of swag. A paatient who is double your size and double your weight is not an easy chore everyday. You need to have enough strength and will-power to do it. But not only that, you also have some set of skills to bypass the challenge. Proper body mechanics, posture and techniques. But if worst comes to worst, request for a lifter. Life is easier that way, to be honest.
- Be Empathetic. It’s as simple as putting yourself in somebody else’s shoes. If you have empathy, you will be able to understand why people act that way because of age, illness and confusion. It will be easy for you to know what needs to be done to address the issue and overcome any challenges that you may encounter along the way.
- Be Compassionate. All things mentioned above were summed up into one. You only need this one quality for you to consider a career in Caregiving and that is Compassion. If you fell short in this aspect, everything above will be irrelevant.
Caregiving is not an easy job. You have to have a passion for it in order for you to succeed in this industry. One does not just claim “I am a Caregiver” for it requires a dedicated individual who understand exactly what Caregiving is all about.
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