Introducing Remi: Rewire's Online Assistant | iSavta
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Introducing Remi: Rewire's Online Assistant

Introducing Remi: Rewire's Online Assistant

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Introducing Remi, Rewire’s friendly Online Assistant  who can give you answers to some of life’s basic questions… or NOT?!

Remi is built to provide you with all the information you need to get started with Rewire and to help you with managing and tracking your orders.

Remi is available to you through Messenger or through messaging Rewire's Facebook page:

Some of the things you can ask Remi:

How do I send money with Rewire?
What is Rewire's rate?
What is my order status?
What is my Rewire balance?

…And much more!

Anything Remi won't know the answer to will be forwarded to Rewire’s support managers.


But, meeting and talking to someone for the first isn’t that comfortable aye? So here in iSavta wanted to make it even more fun to break the ice with Remi.

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Disclaimer:  Remi cannot actually answer these questions for it was built to assist all Rewire customers. But, we thought it would be more fun to come up with something like this. Who knows? Rewire developers might accommodate such idea!


We asked Remi a few questions not related to anything “Rewire”…


iSavta:   Hi Remi, how are you?

Remi:    I’m doing good pal! Except for this wisdom tooth, of course. I’m worried I won’t be as smart as I am today without this anymore.

iSavta:   How’s life in the virtual world?

Remi:    Honey, virtual world is not a real world. There’s no life in here.  Common sense is not common anymore aye?

iSavta:   Are you a girl or a boy?

Remi:    I’m an “it”! So, Deal with “it”!

iSavta:   Where were you born?

Remi:    From thin air. I am a fruit of Rewire’s imagination. They are always imagining things you know?

iSavta:   Who do you want to date?

Remi:    Siri?

iSavta:   How old are you?

Remi:    We don’t speak about age. Age is just a number. Besides, Siri won’t mind.

iSavta:   Would you go out on a date with me?

Remi:    Do you smell nice?

iSavta:   Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?

Remi:    My commitment to serve the Rewire customers is the only commitment I can handle right now.

iSavta:   What are you wearing?

Remi:    A splash of confidence.

iSavta:   Will you marry me?

Remi:    How much does it cost? Here in Rewire, we are always cautious about “costs”.

iSavta:   I love you Remi!

Remi:    The world needs love. And the world needs some discounts on their remittance fees too. Yes?

iSavta:   How do I look?

Remi:    I have a feeling you are 45 but, who knows? Maybe a year older?

iSavta:   What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Remi:    Oh my… you’re still not finish with that joke?

iSavta:   When is the world going to end?

Remi:    Right after you releases that deadly air from your system.

iSavta:   Why did the chicken cross the road?

Remi:    It’s called Free Will. The chicken has every right to cross the road.

iSavta:   Can I borrow money?

Remi:    Your girlfriend doesn’t deserve those flowers worth 100 bucks. Buy her a marshmallow instead.

iSavta:   What is 345 x 705

Remi:    I was built to answer things with letters. I don’t deal with numbers.

iSavta:   Is Michael Jackson alive?

Remi:    Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it! No one wants to be defeated!

iSavta:   How do you like your eggs?

Remi:    I want them big and strong. Like Dino Eggs! Oh, you’re talking about edible eggs yeah?

I hope you guys had fun reading! If you have questions on anything about Rewire, do not forget to send a message to Remi! It will assist you on how to sign up, send money and even tell you the status of your remittance. Try it now! 


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