Notice Regarding Terms of Employment| News and Announcements | iSavta
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Notice Regarding Terms of Employment

Notice Regarding Terms of Employment

If you're newly employed, this is one of the things that you need to know. 
Source: The Commissioner for Foreign Workers' Labor Rights
Have you started a new job recently? The employer is required to provide you with a written notice regarding the terms of employment!
Please read the following information regarding the notice concerning the terms of employment:
1. In accordance with the Employee Notice (Terms of Employment) Law, employers must provide workers with a written notice detailing the working conditions, such as wages, social benefits, working hours, weekly rest, etc.
2. If a worker's working conditions change After the parties have reached an agreement on the change, the employer must notify the worker within 30 days of the change. The absence of a written document anchoring the change does not invalidate it.
3. The employee notice can be replaced by an employment contract if it contains all the information that must be included in it.
4. When a worker does not receive a written notice regarding terms of employment in the first month of employment, he can demand it from his employer. On the commissioner's website, you can view a sample of the Employee notice in English, Russian, Arabic, and Thai languages:


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