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Population and Immigration Authority: Letter For Patients and Foreign Caregivers

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Corona Virus Update for Foreign Workers in the Caregiving Section For Safety and Prevention

Publish Date: September 17, 2020
Updated date: September 21, 2020
For several months now, the entire world has been in a state of medical emergency. The State of Israel, too, has been fighting against the increase in morbidity following the spread of the Corona virus in Israel. In order to reduce the spread of the virus, the government decided on another lockdown from Friday 18.09.20 at 14:00 until Sunday 11.10.2020.
The Ministry of Health, the body in charge of public health, constantly issues general guidelines for public behavior during the lockdown period. It should be emphasized that these guidelines are binding on everyone and also on you, the foreign workers.
The Israel Police is working to assist the Ministry of Health in enforcing the public order, preventing gatherings and halting the spread of the virus, and calls on everyone to obey instructions, to assist in the joint effort to curb the spread of the virus.
We consider it very important to cooperate and adhere to the guidelines for your health and public health, and therefore we join the call and appeal to you and ask that you act according to the guidelines required to protect public health in general and your own and your patient's health in particular.
For your convenience, we will emphasize the main restrictions:
  • Restriction of movement when leaving the house of up to 1000 meters, except for permitted needs that will be specified in the regulations.
  • Closure of all businesses in the fields of trade, culture, recreation, leisure and national tourism.
  • Essential services will remain open including the sale of food, pharmacies, hospitals and health maintenance organizations.
  • Gathering up to 10 people in a closed room while preserving the rest of the regulations, masks and a distance of 2 meters.
  • There is an obligation to wear a mask anywhere other than the place of residence.
Regarding the day of rest:
As part of the restrictions imposed on movement and since the foreign worker's place of residence is the patient's home, the worker must remain at the patient's home on the day of rest. There is no permission to move from place to place.
We would like to emphasize that the State considers it very important to comply with the mandatory guidelines and therefore it has been determined that a person who violates the guidelines is subject to the following fines:
  • Violation of the obligation to quarantine - NIS 5,000
  • Refusal to a police officer's order to disperse - 1,000 NIS
  • Failure to wear a mask outside the home - 500 NIS
  • Staying in a forbidden place - 500 NIS
We must follow the strict rules of social distance and you are required to be updated regarding changes in the guidelines of the Ministry of Health in general or regarding the area of residence in particular.
We continue to provide solutions to all service recipients, and in order to assist you, we gather the relevant information for you.
We call on patients and foreign workers in the nursing branch to continue to obey the binding guidelines, to take personal responsibility in order to maintain your health and to prevent the infection and spread of the virus in the country.
Finally, we would like to strengthen you in this complex period. Many of the patients are in a risk group due to their age and condition and therefore the devotion of each and every one of you is very important.
We thank you for your dedication and the responsibility you show in your work and in the care of your dear patients and wish everyone that we will go through this period in good health.
Obey instructions - save lives!

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