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Rewards of Being a Caregiver

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Being a caregiver is not solely about having a career to make a living. It is not just a job that suddenly appeared as an option. It is a decision to care, to give, to support and to make others become able because you are able yourself. You want to and you love to. It is difficult as it may seem and as hard as it is in reality, but caregiving is a rewarding career that only a few have been able to appreciate. There will be many things to stop you from doing what you love but your passion will push you forward into this fulfilling vocation. There are many rewards to being a caregiver. As you read through below, you will recognize that it is indeed a rewarding and inspiring profession.


You Are A Healer

            Not only you care and support people, you also heal them with your warm touch, your words of concern and encouragement and your positive presence. Along with this, you not only help them heal physically but emotionally. You become the instrument of healing of relationships around you because you project good health and positive life. You create an environment that is open for conversations.


Sense of Accomplishment

            You get the sense of accomplishment every time the person you are taking care of  is improving in terms of health and wellness. You are encouraged to make things better for your patient and make things better around your patient. You feel happy and fulfilled because you know that you have done a good job in giving a genuine care for people.


You Desire to Be Healthy

            You desire to be healthy because you appreciate the fact that health is definitely wealth. There is no better situation to describe this than what you see around you and the situation that your patient is in. You desire to find balance in being healthy because people rely on you being healthy first yourself. You know that you would not be able to provide healthcare if you are sickly yourself.


Sense of Purpose

            While there are many things that you want to do in life, you may find that caregiving gives you a sense of purpose. The amount of time you devote for others and the energy you generate to make the lives of others better is so rewarding. You find value in what you do because it changes lives. It gives meaning to your ordinary life. It makes the world around you beautiful.


It Keeps You Grounded to Humanity

            Caregiving slaps you the reality of a vulnerable human existence. You know exactly that life is short and it should be lived fully while you are healthy. Caregiving reminds you to take care of your body and health in general. It takes you back to what really is valuable in life. It gives you wisdom because you know that our years of existence are numbered. You appreciate time as it is and you don’t waste it.


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