Rodrigo Duterte: His Unconventional Ways and His Accomplishments | iSavta
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Rodrigo Duterte: His Unconventional Ways and His Accomplishments

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Since President Rodrigo Duterte was elected President of the Republic of the Philippines, he was not spared by criticism both from foreign and local media as well as his political opponents and some spectators in the society.


But despite of all the challenges that he encountered on his a little more than 130 days in the office, Duterte proved that he is undoubtedly man of his words. At the back of all his antics and foul words is a solid effort to put the country back on its track.

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Let’s take a look on what the President already accomplished within his more or less 4 months of being the country’s Commander-in-Chief.


  1. More than 100,000 documented and undocumented drug users and pushers surrendered.

  2. 10 Years validity of Philippine Passport

  3. No more “Tanim Bala” gang in Ninoy Aquino International Airport.

  4. One-Stop Service Center for Overseas Filipino Workers.

  5. No more ENDO or Contractualization

  6. Free water irrigation for farmers

  7. Hotline 8888 and 911

  8. Freedom of Information

  9. Streets are being cleaned and organized.

  10. Shabu laboratories are being searched and seized resulting to arrest of big time drug lords.

  11. No age limit in hiring employees

  12. NAIA expressway has been opened for public transport

  13. Abu Sayyaf hostages has been released.

  14. Immediate repatriation of stranded OFWs in Saudi Arabia

  15. WIFI connection in NAIA terminals

  16. Illegal minings has been stopped

  17. Additional rice assistance to the poorest of the poors

  18. Additional 2000 pesos increase in SSS pension

  19. Additional allowance to athletes who represent the country to international arena

  20. Additional pump boats for fishermen

  21. Online Gambling was abolished

  22. 5 years validity of Driver’s License

  23. 24B investment from China for infrastructure

  24. Lands for Hacienda Luisita farmers were finally given to them

  25. Assistance/ salary increase to Teachers and Policemen was already draft

Being a President is not easy for you can't please everybody. But despite of his shortcomings, President Duterte does not falter on his principles as a President and as a Filipino.


Some may not like his ways but majority of the Filipino people wanted change and many believe that it’s only Duterte who can bring that change to the table and make it work.

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