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UPDATE: Important Information About Staying in Israel without VISA
iSavta | 25.05.2022

It is important for Caregiver to know their security status in Israel when they are without VISA or not registered to work. Read carefully the information provided by Kav Laoved to clarify this matter and plan out what you need to do:
We would like to clarify an important issue for caregivers who stayed without registration in Israel because they were told they were "safe" until June. We know there has been major disinformation on the subject.
Last November, the government decided that caregivers who applied for special visa and WERE DENIED, can continue working with their employers until 30/6/2022. This was actually a renewal of the same decision from March 2020.
This was interpreted by BITUACH LEUMI, as permission for all caregivers to stay in Israel until 30/6/22. BITUACH LEUMI allowed and allow payment from Bituach agencies to caregivers to be paid to any caregiver, even if no application for a special visa had been submitted.
Recently (8/5/2022) BITUACH LEUMI sent a message to all Bituach agencies, that the condition for a “legal” stay in Israel is an application for Special visa for the caregiver – no matter if it will be denied or not.
CAREGIVERS WHO OVERSTAYED WITHOUT A VISA / REGISTRATION, FOR WHOM NO SPECIAL VISA WAS REQUESTED– EVEN IF PAID MONTHLY BY A BITUACH AGENCY, ARE NOT "SAFE": Money from your pikadon (airport deposit fund) will probably be deducted for fines. The deduction starts 90 days after your last day of registered work.
Kav LaOved has been trying to fight this, and we will update here for any new information.
You can coordinate with Kav LaOved - Migrant Caregivers if you have more questions regarding Special Visa.
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