PIKADON: You Can Now View Your Pikadon and the Status of Your Visa Online | iSavta
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PIKADON: You Can Now View Your Pikadon and the Status of Your Visa Online

New rewire card

New rewire card

Good news to our Caregivers!


You can now check your PIKADON or your Airport Deposit Fund and the status of your Visa online. This is an online service from the Ministry of Interior / Immigration Authority.


Repost from Kav Laoved:


Especially in these times when one cannot leave the house, we would like to remind you that It is possible for you to access an official website of the Israeli Immigration Authority in order to get information about your legal status and the State Deposit Fund (the money waiting for you in the airport when you leave for good that is deposited by "Bituach" companies).


Note: Some organizations take money just for this service, but  we encourage you to check for yourself - you can get this information easily online - for free


This is the link: https://forms.gov.il/globaldata/getsequence/getHtmlForm.aspx?formtype=DepositForeign@piba.gov.il


  1. First, choose the button -"foreign worker". 


  1. Enter the information as required. You will be asked to enter 4 items: passport number, nationality, license expiration date (this means PASSPORT expiration date OR visa expiriation date), and year of first entry to Israel. - NOTE! PASSPORT NO. INCLUDING LETTERS. IF YOU ARE FROM NEPAL - DON'T ENTER THE FIRST ZERO. 


  1. If successful, you'd get a PDF file with useful information, such as: Geographical Area (Tel-Aviv area, Center, or Periphery), the reason for the termination of the last legal job, etc. The info is usually updated in up to 1 month.


  1. If you work/ed with "Bituach" agency, you will get detailed info of the monthly deposits in the State Deposit Fund, for pension and separation pay, since Nov 2016. You can see the deposit dates and for which month the deposit was done.


The total amount you have in the fund is the amount in the middle of the first line, under the caption “Balance”.


Note that 15% out of the total sum will be taken by income tax, and deductions will be made if you "overstay" (Read about this here: https://www.facebook.com/notes/kav-laoved-migrant-caregivers/new-state-deposit-fund-for-migrant-caregivers/1121168361296737/) The deductions are not shown in this form.


Try to use this site! Sometimes the site is down and/or will respond with "data invalid" (recheck your input – even though sometimes (rarely) even if the data is correct the system won't work).

IF IT DOES NOT WORK - you can email the ministry - *with your passport picture* to - Pikdonot@sa.piba.gov.il and ask for your deposits.


See the pictures below for more info:







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