The iSavta Team | 17.07.2019

A resume that gets you hired - 10 tips to help you write the perfect cover letter
The Golden Rule
Never send a generic letter (that is, don’t copy and paste a letter from one job to another).
Always make sure your cover letter is written specifically for that particular job. This will show the employer that you want THIS job, not just ANY job.
You are aiming to show the prospective employer that you are the perfect candidate for the position.
For example…
I am writing to apply for the Personal Support Worker (Residence Assistance) position at LivingCare Canada.
I am writing to apply for your open role at your company.
Tips to write the perfect PSW cover letter
- Explain how you meet the job criteria
Most job adverts will have a list of required criteria that applicants need to meet to do the job. Address these point by point and make it clear how you fit these criteria.
For example, if the job advert states that you need a sense of compassion and caring, make sure that you address this in your letter.
The most important part of this is to address the skills that are listed in the job advert, for instance, problem solving skills, or dealing with difficult behaviour.
Allow your prospective employer to see exactly how you match the job description by addressing specifically how you meet their criteria.
- Use specific examples
Specific examples of things that you have done gives evidence that you meet the job criteria.
E.g. I have strong verbal communication skills and demonstrated these when working in my last job as a care assistant where I had to give an oral daily report on my clients to the nurse in charge of the shift.
- Try to address a specific person
Writing something like ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ can seem very impersonal and generic. It is much better if you are able to address the person responsible for hiring by name. This will help to get you noticed more than a generic greeting.
Job adverts don’t always have the specific name of the person responsible for hiring, but you may be able to find this information from LinkedIn or by phoning the organisation to find out the name of the hiring manager.
- Don’t just list what is in your resume
The recruiting manager does not just want to read a second copy of your resume. You can use some of the things in your resume, but make sure that your cover letter is crafted specifically for the job advert.
As far as you can, keep it brief but address the skills needed for the job.
Don’t just copy out everything in your resume – a prospective employer doesn’t need to read it twice!
- Highlight you
For Personal Support Worker roles, your personal qualities are extremely important. You may not have a great deal of work experience in this area but highlighting your personal qualities can prove that you are the right person for the position.
Personal qualities that are important for a PSW include compassion, caring, patience, kindness, and so on.
Refer back to point two (give examples) when you talk about these qualities. Give specific examples of how you act compassionately, for example, volunteering to help the elderly go shopping in your local community.
- Outline how you have the skills needed to work as a PSW
Sometimes you may apply for a job which does not have a detailed description of the job criteria, so you may not have a great deal to respond to. In that case, talk about the skills you have and examples of how you have demonstrated these, either in past work or in your personal life.
Some of the skills you can talk about in a cover letter for a PSW job are:
- Problem-solving skills
- Critical thinking skills
- Dealing with difficult behaviour
- Household management skills
- Caring for others
- Time management skills
- Communication skills (verbal and written)
- Professionalism
- Working with a team
- First aid and CPR
- Knowledge of governmental regulations related to elder care
- Safeguarding
- Explain any gaps in your resume
Employers often like to know about any gaps in your resume. That is, have you had any significant periods of time where you have not been working?
For example, you may have taken some time off working to have children, to study, relocate, or look after another family member. Don’t go into too much detail about this – one short sentence will be fine just so that the employer knows the general reason!
For instance, I have spent the last two years looking after my young children, but I am now eager to begin working as a Personal Support Worker.
If you haven’t been working for any reason, such as due to looking after children, just address this very briefly in your cover letter.
- Address any lack of experience but don’t apologise
It will be clear to a potential employer if you don’t yet have much experience working in this industry. That’s okay! Just make sure that you address this and write about experiences that are relevant to the job and you address your skills (see point 6).
For example, Although I have not worked in a formal position as a Personal Support Worker in the past, I have cared for an elderly neighbour… etc.
- Frame everything positively
Always write in a positive way. Employers never want to hear that you left your last job because you didn’t like your boss, or you didn’t think you were being paid enough money.
Talk about your passion for this type of work and how you can bring something positive to the position.
- Proofread your letter carefully
Many employers will disregard badly written letters. If writing isn’t your strong point, see if you can have someone else look over it for you for any mistakes.
Another option is to use the free version of Grammarly, which is a web programme that will check your written work for errors.
Bonus Tip
Structure your letter carefully. You want to make sure that your letter is easy to read for the potential employer, or they are less likely to read your letter.
Take time to carefully structure your cover letter.
Here is a useful site which will help you to structure a generic cover letter. Remember to go through the list above to ensure that it is tailored specifically for a PSW job!
Here is a template for a cover letter. Make sure that you personalise it and adapt it specifically for the role of PSW that you are applying for.