In my 15 years i’ve worked in 3 families 10years i took care of an old people and 5years i took care of a person with ALS disability i must say that i have a lot of patience because the case that i took care is not an easy task. I want to continue to provide health care to those people who in need special care.
Skills and abilities
Caregiver details
Covid-19 fully vaccinated:
Experience in years:
Work permit:
More than 13 years
- Open permit: can work at any caregiving job, according to the license zone
- Special / humanitarian visa: caregiver is in Israel less than 8 years, can work for one more employer legally, after submitting a request
- Special visa - handicapped: relevant for 188% disabled patients, under the retirement age
- After 13 years in Israel, caregiver can work only if they have an Israeli ID / permanent resident
- Refugee visa: can work as a domestic helper
Experience with specific conditions:
Breathing Problems, Heart Disease, Mobility Problems, Post Surgery, Pneumonia and the Flu